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Step by step by process to create EWA for JAVA based system

After moving here & there in different blogs, wikis and SCN posts, finally I could able to generate EWA for JAVA based systems. I thought of sharing the steps for creating the Early Watch Alert (EWA) for all JAVA based systems with you.

Below is the scenario for generating EWA :-

JAVA System

Enterprise Portal (EP) server of NW 7.3 EHP1 SP6

Solution manager Sever

Solman 7.1 SP 8 with MS SQL 2012


Windows 2008 R2 (64 bit)

Prerequisites to be checked & performed

1. As per note 797147, download the Wily files (always select ‘automated installation’ option while selecting the downloadable files):-
     1.3. Agent files for the managed systems Introscope 9

2. Update LM_SERVICE in solman server as per note 1900777 .

NB: While deploying this component, you may get following error message. To get rid of this error allot SAP_J2EE_ADMIN role to j2ee_admin user .

Error 1.JPG

3. Check RTCCTOOL tool ( run RTCCTOOL in SE38 ) in solman server and apply the prerequisites .

4. Register the JAVA system (EP) in solman SLD . After completion of SLD registration & synchronization between SLD and LMDB , make sure all software component and product version is coming properly both in LMDB & SMSY. Then add the product version (Logical Component) to a solution in SMSY. [Addition of solution is also been taken care of  in managed system configuration, but I prefer though SMSY for time saving 😉 ]

5. Download eula.txt and osi package (9.1.5) from third party FTP link.

6. Install latest diagnostic agent both in Solution Manager and EP server and register both of them in solman SLD. You can select SLD registration option while installation of SMD agent .

Configuration Procedure

1.  Install Enterprise Manager 9 in solution manager system . Before that extract EM and make following changes in eula.txt file :-
” LGPL = accept “

Copy the eula.txt and osi package (9.1.5) to willy EM install able folder and continue the silent installation .  Silent installation takes the input from “” files available under EM extracted directory. In case you want to install with front end GUI, then remove this file from that folder and run the set up file. Verify the installation in “/usr/sap/ccms/wilyintroscope/install/Introscope_<version>_InstallLog.log.”. It should show SUCCESSFUL for all installations.

2.  Extract the EM management module zip file and copy in /usr/sap/ccms/wilyintroscope location. Then take a restart of EM windows service to reflect the management module.

3.  Enable the maintenance mode in solman server and then install ISAGENTJ515_0-10010975.SCA in EP server through JSPM .

4.  Now again disable maintenance mode and  check whether both the diagnostic agents are showing GREEN color or not in Agent Administration . You can access the same through “http:<FQDN of solman server>:<http port>/smd/AgentAdmin” link.

5.  Also check webview URL “http://<solman FQDN host name>: 8081/webview” . This port may be 8080 also. In case it gives following error :

Error 2.JPG
Use following solution :-

Change “introscope.enterprisemanager.webserver.port” parameter to 8080 in file under “<installation drive>:\usr\sap\CCMS\wilyintroscope\config” and restart SMD and Willy windows service and try.

6.  Install Microsoft Silver light in solution manager server.

7.  Now check http://<solman FQDN host name>:<http port>/webdynpro/dispatcher/” URL and confirm whether the Enterprise Agent installed in managed system can communicate with Enterprise Manager installed in solman server or not. Now click on “configure Introscope agent setup” and select the required “Autoprob Directives” and press “APPLY” button.

8.  Now the full & final step is “Managed System Configuration ” for java system (EP). Run the pre-requisite diagnostic requirement for JAVA server and and apply if missing updates found.

9.  After performing complete managed system configuration , you can get the EWA report for the  solution as well as for the JAVA system in solman_workcenter > ‘System Monitoring’ tab > Reports > ‘select the solution’.

Troubleshooting Related Notes

1010428 , 1852733, 1765041, 1900777, 1663549, 1611483 .

I hope these clear cut steps will help you ahead 😀 .


This blog is inspired by “Introscope Version 8 Installation Guide For SAP” , “EWA for non-ABAP components” documents.



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